My e-mail is for new route info.
- Pg. 18 route #11 is Tyler Derdan, 13d. It now links up into the ending of 12Ga. Pump. The extension is now Fight Club 14a, done by Mark Polinski fall of 08’ I believe. Essentially V9 to V6 without any rest.
- Pg 16, project 13, is now Choke Artist, 13c, E: Spencer Davey, FA Bland, 2002.
- Pg. 16 to the right of Choke Artist is, Dead End Cruiser, 13c, FA. John Keene 2004.
- Pg 28 route #2 Problem Child 14c. I’ve spent a lot of attempts on this route and understand what an achievement an ascent of this route is. Johnny Goicoechea nabbed the first ascent Sept. 2007. Its like doing a V10, and then doing Motley Crux (most who have done Motley are calling it 14a), which adds two letter grades to Motley. Well see if the grade sticks but it’ll will take some time for consensus. Congrats Johnny you are a strong man. Update: Mark Polinski repeated this at 14b. David Raska repeated this at 14b. Johnathan Seigrist repeated this May of 2010 at 14c. You’ll have to climb it and decide.
- Pg 26, The Mushroom, Project #5 is now Psycopsibocillin 12c. Boldery as you would guess. FA Mike Mclure spring 2006
- Pg 26, The Mushroom, Project #6 is now Throwing elbows 13a or b. Again, bouldery. This route was actually boulderd to the top. Either the guy had big cajones or a lot of crash pads. FA Mike Mclure spring 2006 *Mark Polinski was the guy that bouldered it out.
- Pg 25 on the Main Wall, route #17. Basically a no hands rest to a V11 boulder problem and then finishing off with a 13a. Strong Mike Mclure sent this one and called it Progressive Discipline. We made so much fun of his bad name he told us to call it what we wanted. We called the route, Be Like Mike 14b. Again, FA. Strong Mike Mclure spring 2006.
Also if you start on this route and finish on Bitten or Left Bleeding (Mikes Bitten, Mikes Bleeding) it apparently goes at 13b. You decide. - Pg 24, Rectus Traverse, Sinister Traverse, and the Evil Ass Traverse. The Rectus Traverse starts to the left of Bachelors Week at the left most point of the cliff and traverses right, to the start of the Bitten, which is basically the first no hands rest you will come to. Long, pumpy, and 13c FA Bland spring 2005. The Sinister Traverse starts at the no hands rest at the Bitten, then traverses left to the start of the Rectus Traverse and is also 13c, FA Bland spring 2005. Now if you start on the Sinister Traverse, go left to the Rectus Traverse start, then go back to the start of the Sinister Traverse, this is called The Evil Ass Traverse 13d/14a, FA Mike Mclure, Spring 2006. There not routes but they are longer than anything at the cliff and may as well be. Well worth doing at any rate
- Links into Routes at the main wall: Rectus (R) into Dumptruck 13c, FA. Brian Raymon, (R) Bellyrubber, 13c, FA Raymon, (R)Naked Man, 13c, Raymon, (R) Roach 13b, Raymon, (R) Mental Warfare, 13b, Raymon, (R) Being Inferior, 13a, Raymon, and Sinister (S) into Mental Warfare, 13c, Mark Polinski.
- Pg 24, It’s like That, 13a, FA Spencer Davey, Sept. 2010. This route starts on the jugs with The Bitten but breaks left before the dihedral and finishes up to the left of Left Bleeding. Thought it would be a squeeze job but is actually a must do route.
- Quasi Arete (link up) 13b/c. Starts on It’s like that but links into the arete, after the first boulder problem. Climb the Russian Arete, through it’s crux and anchors, then up to the anchors of It’s like that. 4 star rockclimb. FA Raymon Sept. 2010.
- Pg 34 route 4 is now Short Bus 12d/13a, FA Mark Polinski, May 09’. Climbs up and ends at a set of chains in the ceiling.
- Pg 34 route 5 is now called Banned for life and is 13d. FA David Raska May 09’ just before he left town. This is an awesome route if you’re up for it. Named Banned for life cause when I was trying it I kicked Mike McClure off it and told him to bolt his own routes.
- Pg 33 route 8. Career Fuck Up 13b, FA Mark Polinski Apr. 09’. Doesn’t climb up the whole cliff, ends mid way at chains. I’m fairly positive that it’s harder than 13b so don’t trust the grade.
- Pg 34 route 4 into route 3 is called 5.0 13d FA Mark Polinski 09’.
- Pg 34 project 6 is now, Heavy Handed, 13a. FA Bland May 2010.
- Heavy Loader. Heavy Handed into Freeloader is 13b, FA Polinski.
- Three Weeks Wasted 12b, FA, Grady Roberts early 2000?. Starts on Freeloader and finishes at the chains of Heavy Handed. Really nice route.
- Project 5 pg. 33 is 14b or c. Polinski spent some time on this one but went to Tasmania with the agony of defeat. Super bouldery.
- Pg 33, project 7 is called Optio, 13d, E: Bill Centinary, FA Mark Polinski. Starts of the big chunk of flowstone and powers up the steep.
- Pg 34, Project 2, is Unemployment Line, 13c/d, E: Bland, FA Polinski in 09'
- Pg 40, Route 6, Lesser of Two Evils 12c, has an extension for 3 more bolts Called Continued Evil and probably adds a letter grade.
- Pg. 40, Route 7, Spillway 12c, has an extension to the top of the cliff. Definitely more pumpy and surely 12d, its called Spillway to Heaven.
- Pg 40. To the left of Divine Intervention is a new route called, I’m Your Hero 13c. A real pumper with some powerful pockets low, leading to a sustained overhanging finish. FA Bland Spring 2003
- Pg 40. Route # 14 was a project. It’s now called The Over Optimistic Local 14a. Incredibly taxing for a 50ft route. FA Bland March, 2002.
- Pg 40. Route # 15 was a project. It’s now called, Naysayer 14a. Very powerful in the beginning with some crazy tufa, and pocket features. The “slab” above is no gimme, and yes you have to climb all the way up to the chains. FA Bland April 2002
- Pg. 41, Route #37. The Big Thrutch has been redpointed to the top. Just called Full Big Thrutch, it’s bolted quite well for dogging but on redpoint the clips are unclippable at the top. This creates a frightening crux that is extremely run out, and powerful. I never took the falls but they would have been 50 footers at the minimum. FA Bland 2004.
- Pg. 39, and left of route #1, Leland Windham put up a new route. I think it was 10d or so and I don’t remember the name. Haven’t done it yet either.
- Pg. 38, Project #8. Now called Pump Slap the Ho 12d or 13a, you decide. Short route with a huge dyno. Bland spring 2001
- Pg. 38, Project #8. Directly to the right of Pump Slap the Ho is a new route called G-Unit 12b. Short, juggy and super overhanging. FA Bland spring 2001
- Pg. 38, Project #9. Now called Buttercup 13a. If you ignore the groveling start to get to the route, this is a classic. Climb up steep tufas, jump to a solo jug pocket, and keep truckin’ on the overhang. Stellar climb. FA Bland May 2003
- Same start as Buttercup, but bust left to a pronounced overhang is the route, The Crystal Pocket 12c. Pockety on the headwall, Imagine that. FA Bland Fall 2001
- Pg 40, Extension to A River Runs Through It, route 11, is called The Big Up, 13b, E: Bland, FA Polinski. There’s a 6 foot dyno after you do A River. Height dependant for sure. A prosthetic could appear to smooth this sucker out.
- Route 12, Divine, goes to the top and is called Fully Divine 13a/b. E: Bland FA Polinski. One of the best apparently but I haven’t tried it myself.
- Pg 40, to the right of route #1, Where’s my Hero, is the Uncle Rico Route, 11a. FA Bland 07’
- Pg. 52, Route #12, Project. Now called Zeal 13b, FA Johnny Goicoechea circa, spring 2001. Relativly easy climbing to a ~V8 boulder problem. 2 stars.
- Pg. 52, just to the right of route #3, Jude 24, is the start of Deathmatch 2000 12c. It goes up straight for 2 bolts, then traverses right across Fat Boy, and Flusher, to a set of chains just to the right of the chains on Death Fall. Very juggy and pumpy. 3 stars. FA Bland, spring of 2001.
- Pg 52, project 14, Cheesequake, 13b. FA Conrad (Can’t remember last name sorry) back in 07’? Sharp and bouldery like the guide says.
- Crossing a Dogs Path 12d, FA, Grady Roberts circa 2002. A bolted line that starts on Free Installation, but traverses left along a rising but horizontal seam. It connects to the jug ledge at mid height on The Dull Sickle (Hair of the Dog), then continues traversing left to the anchors of #23 which is still a project. The seam has a powerful sequence in it as does the last bit on the project. Cool temps (say sunny Feb. day) really help out. 3 stars.
- The Cats Meow 12c, FA. Grady Roberts circa 2002. Like Crossing a Dogs Path, but at the jug ledge, finish on The Dull Sickle (Hair of the Dog). If you hate the nasty start of Hair of the Dog, this is a good alternative. 2 stars.
- To the right of Slave Labor #27 is a new 11b called Dead Vermin. Either Bill Centinary or Russ Schultz did the first ascent. Ends at the chains of Slave Labor. 2 stars
- Route #7, project, is now 12c, and called Been Around the Block, FA. Grady Roberts, 2001. This thing has been chipped, filled in, had an artificial hold on it that was broke off, etc. Hence the name. A good route but somewhat awkward and strenuous. 2 stars.
- Route #4, Stay Tuned 11a, is no longer A0. May be a bit harder than 11a.
- The flake that was held on with the metal strap under Rock 106 has fallen off. Rock 106 is now 12c and Klingon is 11d. The start is quite powerful for these two routes.
- Pg 73 between routes 5 and 6. Return of the King, 13A, FA Mark Polinski Spring of 08’. I bolted the route but have never tried it. Apparently it’s 3 stars.
- The dish (a.k.a The Perkins Route) Mark Polinski did this route in May of 2007 and called it 13c. Congrats and check his score for comments.